
764 Articles

Visa processing way better but Claire Field warns there’s a problem for VET

The Department of Home Affairs continues to impress with increased transparency towards

VET Industry NEWS

The Smart and Skilled program for 2023-24 and its application process

Applications for the Smart and Skilled program will open on 1 November

VET Industry NEWS

2022 Skills Priority List almost doubles occupations with skills shortages

The number of occupations suffering skills shortages has nearly doubled in the

VET Industry NEWS

Care Workforce Labour Market Study

The Study comes against a backdrop of a rapid rise in the

VET Industry NEWS

Education services for overseas students: ESOS National Code – return to compliance

In March 2020, TEQSA and ASQA announced flexibility in regulatory arrangements regarding

VET Industry NEWS

When to Outsource Online Learning, and When Not To

Like a lot of professors whose field of study is higher education,

VET Industry NEWS

CAQA Recruitment – The current job vacancies (October 2022)

Resource writers  CAQA Resources is looking for qualified instructional writers and subject


Choosing the right keywords and vertices for your business name

Choosing the right keywords and vertices for your business name is essential
